100 illustrations for 100 questions about Japanese work culture.
The client - Japanese Human Resources company (Persol Career Ltd) - has initiated a campaign to challenge the status quo of Japanese work culture. At the present time Japan have a big problem with an unsustainable work culture leading people into depressions, alcohol abuse and in some cases even death. The term "karoshi" (death from overworking) has even started to enter the Western lexicon.
The project centers around posing 100 questions to the Japanese public that in some way or another relates to the Japanese term ”Hataraku” (to work/ the act of working/ career). And furthermore curate the answers into a meaningful exhibition that will generate meaningful conversations and hopefully move Japanese work culture forward in a positive direction.
My job was to create key visuals for each question.
Agency: Wieden+Kennedy Tokyo branch.

Is it a problem if you have a gap in your resume?

L: Why is an eight hour workday the standard?
R: Do you think the evolution of AI will change the way we work?

Is it ok to connect with company colleagues on social media?

Do we need to cultivate special interests/ engage in activities in our free time in order to seem interesting and promote our personal brand?

L: Why is there no caregiver leave for pets?
M: Should only one parent need to consider the balance between childcare and work?
R: Do we need to start working immediately after graduation?

Are new employees allowed to have a side job or business?

L: Do you find it hard to work when your boss is younger than you?
R: Is it true that people who are unsure of what they want to do should just join a big company?

L: Should subordinates be expected to pour their bosses drinks at an after work party?
R: How do people manage to balance their day job and side hustle?

Are you required/ expected to attend after work activities (that involves drinking alcohol)?

Are there any rewards other than money for work? Time off? Travels? Health benefits?

L: Why is it so hard to take a long vacation?
R: How loyal should you be to your company/ employer?

Which one is more important - the work you want/ love to do or the salary?

L: From what perspective should we choose a job - from what we're good at or from what we like?
R: Is it important to have a career plan?

L: Is being able to multitask important?
M: Do you need a specialized skill set to become a freelancer?
R: Will you keep getting promoted if you keep showing results?

L: Is it true that only some people can find their dream job?
R: Is Success in your career about your income or your title?

Is a side job for income necessary in order to make your idea/ dream come true?

L: Will parental leave affect your career?
M: Should you have an end goal or should you keep pushing?
R: How honest should you be about your reasons for resigning?

What is the manager's role - should he coach the "players" or "play the game"?

What kind of learning is important/ necessary for employees?

L: Do you need to keep growing in order to keep working?
R: Does famous company equal good company?

L: Why do we differentiate between new graduates and mid-career hires?
R: Where do freelancers turn to bring up work issues like harassment?

L: Is having changed jobs often an issue?
M: Does working late equal working hard?
R: Do you have to know what you are looking for when you go job hunting?

L: Is personal growth in work really necessary?
R: Do you need to endure everything while at work?

L: What do you prefer - working in the city or in the countryside?
R: Do you like working?

Many companies asks for "experienced applicants" - but how do you get experience in the first place?

L: Is office love ok or not?
M: Should you aim for a management position?
R: What does the ideal leader look like?

L: Do qualifications guarantee you a job?
R: Why do women who become mothers often get a disadvantage in their careers?

What determines the peak of a career? Age? Years in the business?

L: What does the ideal subordinate look like?
R: Is it ok to ignore your boss if they contact you after work hours?

L: What's more important - seniority or merits?
M: Why aren't freelancers compensated for parental leave?
R: What can be done to increase the rate of men taking paternity leave?

Is it ok to take a nap during your lunch break?

L: Why do newcomers have to be in charge of taking incoming phone calls?
R: Is there a difference between a good work environment and one where you can grow?

L: Is the boss responsible for picking up the bill if the team goes out for a drink?
M: What should people do if they can't find a company to work for?
R: If you could go back to being a student - what would you want to learn?

L: Is there a limit to how old you can be and still change jobs?
R: Why is it so hard to ask for personal time off?

How much can you really learn about a person from just a job interview?

L: In an age of extended retirement - is it necessary to relearn?
R: Are employees who come in to the office better than those who work remotely?

L: Is it a bad thing to leave a company immediately?
R: Is it normal for everyone to start at the same salary (for fresh graduates)?

What do you think about being relocated by your employer?

L: Would you work more efficient if you could take time off on a regular basis?
M: Is starting your own business a challenge or a risk?
R: Why Is It so hard to tell people you have a side job?

L: Is a retirement age necessary?
R: Is it uncool to go back to a company that you've left?

Should work be a top priority in your life?

L: What do you think about switching to a job with lower salary?
R: Why do so many companies prohibit side jobs?

Who decided on the current workweek layout?

L: What kind of jobs or style of working will be considered "cool" in the near future?
M: Is your employer obligated to train you?
R: Is quitting your job to go your own way acceptable?

L: Is freelancing an option directly after graduating?
R: Why does everyone wear a a suit when going job hunting?

How should we deal with bosses who favor certain employees all the time?

L: Which is better - working in Japan or working overseas?
M: What would you like to be if you could go back to being a child?
R: Should Japan take a month off for vacation like a lot of other countries in the world do?

Is it disrespectful to leave before your superior(s) do?

L: Why do so few people end up with a job related to their college major?
R: Can the skills you developed in your previous job be used even if you change jobs?

L: Can failures and setbacks be good for the future?
R: Are you expected to come in earlier than your set working hour?

Is changing jobs risky?

L: Should young people immerse themselves in work?
R: Do workaholics need to take breaks?

Why are there so few women in leadership positions?