A reinterpretation of the old Swedish card game Kille. The game has its origins in the medieval French and Italian games Coucou/ Cuccu and had its heydays in the 1750s.

The game uses a 42-card deck. Players aim to avoid holding the lowest card. In the game, players aim to avoid holding the lowest-ranking card after all exchanges. Each card has specific rules governing exchanges, adding strategic depth to the gameplay. Kille or Coucou remains one of the oldest card games still played today.
"The flowerpot" A low value exchangeable card
"The Wreath" A low value exchangeable card
Standard number cards 1-12 - can be exchanged normally.
"The Mask" Exchangeable card. One of the lowest of the deck. Knocks out the holder.
"The Tavern" Prevents exchange; exchanger must attempt to swap with the next player
"The Trooper" Prevents exchange; exchanger must attempt to swap with the next player
"The Swine" Cancels the exchange; reverses all previous exchanges involving this card, knocking out the original holder.
"The Hussar" If an exchange is attempted, the exchanger is knocked out.
"The Cuckoo" Ends the round immediately; all players reveal their cards.
"The Harlequin" Exchanged face-up; highest card when dealt or drawn, lowest when exchanged.
Bonus card: "The cat" - This card is not in the Swedish version of the game (at least not anymore) but it's still used in the Italian version. It's function is similar to "The Swine".
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