Various editorial spot illustrations from late '21 and spring '22

The war via social media. Scientists in media and communication have followed how the war in Ukraine have been portrayed in social media and how platforms like TikTok have used sound and image in an effective way (like gunfire in fake live broadcasts) to spread disinformation on social media. Tidskriften Folkuniversitetet, 2022

Saving tips for wallet and environment. ICA Stammis 2021.

Home improvement. HSB Uppdraget 2022.

Building for the future. Mining & construction magazine 2022

Creating sustainable housing. Hemma I HSB 2022.

Concerned police officers. Polistidningen 2021.

District Heating. Hemma I HSB 2022

CO2 Capture. Mining & construction magazine 2022.

A few examples of misconduct within the Swedish military; Sexual harassment, weapons crime and fuel theft. Officerstidningen 2022